
Securing a new job involves three essential steps.

Job Search

Job Application

Job Interview

As a career coach, I am passionate about helping people find a job they love so that they can stay productive and happy. For your job search, here is a podcast episode to help you.

For job applications, you need to make sure that you are putting your best foot forward. To do that, you should have a good resume and cover letter that represents you. The resume summarizes your professional experience, while your cover letter should provide more details about you. There are thousands of other job applicants that are competing for the same job as you. It would be best if you gave yourself an edge by putting your best foot forward.

You may decide to craft these two critical documents yourself or leave it to the professionals to help you. When I need to fix any issue in my car, I take it to the professionals, because that is not my area of expertise. Except you are the proverbial jack of all trades, it makes sense to spend money sometimes to ensure you are getting the best product or services.

That’s why I am recommending the following services to support your job application process

Amazing Cover letter: They are professionals that will help you write a cover letter to get you the job interview. They will write a cover letter that will grab attention and sell you and help get your foot in the door. 

Resumeble: They will help you to create your career summary, highlighting your skills to help land you, your next interview. Help you rise above the crowd to gain immediate attention.

Click here to check out Resumeble

Resume Writer: They have been in business for over 20 years, written over quarter of a million resumes across 70 industry specialists. They provide 100% guarantee or they rewrite your resume until you are happy. 

Click any of the images below to learn more.

As always, I am rooting for you. 

Wishing you the best in your job search.

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