The book “Running with the Giants” is a very inspirational book that uses the life stories of various biblical heroes to encourage us, about any situation we may face, that the biblical heroes have gone through similar situation in the time past. In the race of life which is often a contest of stamina, endurance, faith, and understanding, we are never alone. Others have run the race before us. The book used Hebrew Chapter 12 vs 1 to explain how the leaders are cheering us, encouraging us, and praying for us in the journey of life. John Maxwell illustrates the biblical heroes’ life lessons and their words of encouragement for us as we run the race of life. The Book highlight ten different biblical leaders, and the summary of the lessons and the words of encouragement (Bold Italics) are below:
1: NOAH – One Person Can Make a Difference
Noah made a difference by building a boat when it was not raining, and he listened to the instructions from God.
- You can make a difference for your family by living a life of integrity and obedience to God.
- You can make a difference for God’s Creation – (Make the place where you live better than it was when you got there)
- You can make a difference for future generation – we are all safe from worldwide destruction of a flood)
- You can make a difference for God – “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to him (2 Chronicle Chap 16:9). God is always looking for someone to stand in the gap for him.
- You can make a difference at any age.
- Don’t be afraid to stand out in a crowd.
- Don’t be afraid to do something for the first time.
2: ESTHER – God Has a Place for You
Esther felt out of place, her Parent died when she was young, she was adopted by her uncle, and she grew up in a strange country with different customs.
- No place is out of place when you’re in God’s place.
- Courage and initiative come when you understand your purpose in life.
- For a period of time, you may not understand God’s plan and purpose for your life.
- When you realize God’s purpose for your life, you feel empowered.
- Taking a risk is easier when you know God is in control.
3: JOSEPH – Don’t Give Up on Your Dreams
Joseph was a dreamer, he encountered so many challenges and adversities in his life, but he did not give up and in the end, he became the Prime Minister of Egypt.
- Don’t give up on your dream even if you didn’t start off well.
- Don’t give up on your dream even if your family doesn’t support it (Gen 37:10).
- Don’t give up on your dream even if your journey is full of surprises.
- Don’t give up on your dream even if it takes a long time to realize it.
- God is always with you
- Develop yourself during the down times.
- Realize that self-promotion can never replace divine promotion.
- When the dream is realized, it is sweeter than you can ever imagine.
4: MOSES – Live in the Faith Zone, Not the Safe Zone
Living with Pharaoh’s daughter was a safe zone for Moses, but he did not stay there, he took the step of faith and took a risk in order to liberate his people from the hands of Pharaoh.
- Moses overcame the experiences of his past.
- Moses overcame the comfort of his present
- Moses overcame the insecurity of his future.
- We do not naturally leave the safe zone
- Growth begins when we leave the safe zone
- The safe zones rob us of our greatest moments and memories
5: REBEKAH – Give Generously to Others
Rebekah was privileged to have our Lord Jesus Christ in her lineage because of a single act of kindness fetching water for a stranger and his camels.
- You can’t be generous and legalistic at the same time.
- You can’t walk the second mile until you’ve walked the first.
- Extra blessings result from extra effort.
- When we give generously, we receive more than we would ever think possible.
- When we give generously, our loved ones will be blessed.
- When we give, the impact of our generosity often outlives us.
6: ABRAHAM – God Always Does The Right Thing
God promised Abraham that He will make him the father of many nations, the wait time between when God made this promise and the actual fulfillment was very long. Abraham held on to the promises.
- God always does the right thing even if it takes a long time.
- God always does the right thing even if what he says seems absurd.
- God always does the right thing even if we question him.
- God always does the right thing even if we do not understand.
- Perfection is not a prerequisite for God to begin his work in our lives.
- God’s blessings are never earned.
7: NEHEMIAH – No Problem Is Too Big When You Have Help
Nehemiah was confronted with the task of rebuilding the Jerusalem wall after it was burnt down.
- We should ask others for help when the problem is bigger than us.
- We should ask others for help when the problem becomes personal
- We should ask others for help when we have shared the problem with God.
- We should ask others for help when we are willing to do our part.
- We should ask others for help when we sense God’s approval for the vision.
- We should ask others for help when people oppose us.
- It isn’t easy to ask for help.
- Not everyone will help.
- Many times you don’t need a miracle – you just need each other.
8: THE SERVANT GIRL – One small act can make a big difference
The small act by the girl was the source of the healing that Naaman received
- She acted even though she was small.
- She acted even though what she could do was small
- She acted even though the stakes were not small
- If you want to make a big difference, be confident.
- If you want to make a big difference, be credible.
- If you want to make a big difference, speak to people’s needs.
- If you want to make a big difference, don’t be afraid to do something even if it seems small.
9: DAVID – You can overcome the limitations others put on you
David was counted out by his Dad when Prophet Samuel came around to anoint the next king, his brothers counted him out when Goliath was threatening the Israeli Army, and Goliath also took him for granted.
- Jesse did not think David had King potential.
- David’s brothers did not think he had warrior-potential.
- King Saul did not think David had Champion-potential.
- Goliath did not think David had even opponent-potential.
- Limitations don’t limit us unless we let them
- Don’t try to be someone else when others impose limitations on you.
- When you rise above your limitations, you can help others do the same.
10: JONATHAN – Strengthen a leader and save a nation
Jonathan was David’s right hand man. He was an epitome of loyalty and faithfulness. His life mission was to help David.
- Jonathan saw himself from the right perspective.
- Jonathan saw others from the right perspectives.
- Jonathan was able to do what is right from God’s perspectives.
- Only when you see what is important will you be willing to do the seemingly unimportant.
- Every time you encounter people with potential, you must make a choice – hurt them or help them.
- As a supporter, you share in your leader’s success.